✍ Papers
A note on treatment effects: we are missing something on the tails.
Hammad, Ahmed Tarek, SSRN
Shayegh S.,[…], Hammad, A.T., et al., PLOS ONE
AT Hammad, G Falchetta .Science of the Total Environment 838, 156157
Back to the fields? Increased agricultural land greenness after a COVID-19 lockdown
AT Hammad, G Falchetta, IBM Wirawan. Environmental Research Communications 3 (5), 051007
Comparing paratransit in seven major African cities: an accessibility and network analysis
G Falchetta, M Noussan, AT Hammad. Journal of Transport Geography 94, 103131
Planning universal accessibility to public health care in sub-Saharan Africa
G Falchetta, AT Hammad, S Shayegh. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (50), 31760-31769
Current work
Tracking global urban green space trends
G Falchetta, AT Hammad. EGU23